Welcome to AmericaII.org©
AmericaII.org is the home of (3) books, (7) spreadsheets, (1) toolkit, and The American Consensus.
(all free)
America II – You have never read a book like this one.
Because no other book has attempted to do what this book does. Namely, define the real root problems affecting our society; show how those root problems have created, and are connected to, more than two dozen symptoms of societal decline in our country; and then propose a specific, detailed and workable plan for eliminating the problems altogether.
America II is a textbook. More specifically, a textbook on solving the most serious and harmful problems that are plaguing America today and that have been plaguing us as a society for most of the past century. Problems that keep getting steadily worse as each year passes.
All of the talking heads on TV; the politicians of every party; the experts from the various think tanks; and the endless number of big-name pundits that churn out writings by the hundreds all seem to be lost in the wilderness without a compass. Their offerings completely ignore the most damaging problems facing us and instead concentrate almost entirely on repeating party line dogma and sniping at anyone that doesn’t agree with them.
Read this book and you will come to realize what has to be done to solve the problems facing America now, what’s needed to get America back on track, and to understand the part you can play in making that happen.
At 400+ pages, it is the longest read of these three books. Its appendix is a copy of The Constitution of the United States with all the ratified amendments to date.
Common Sense – Revisited –
A much shorter book that summarizes the eight problems discussed in America II with an eye to creating a 4-point action plan for eliminating all of the problems completely once and for all…. Including a spreadsheet connecting each problem to its related symptoms. At 69 pages, all large print and double spaced, it is the shortest of the three.
Common Sense Revisited was an attempt by me to encourage more readers to become
acquainted with what our problems really are, and how they might be solved once and for all. People don’t read so much anymore, so I thought that the summary approach in Common Sense Revisited could bring in some readers that America II might scare off because of its length.
Highly encouraged reading:
RANTS – A compiled booklet of 41 short essays (averaging 6 double spaced typed pages each) challenging the conventional wisdom of the Democrats and Republicans regarding the condition of our country and their management of it. These essays were written one or two each year over a 20+ year span of time. I have categorized them as “Rants”. The rants are not in chronological
order. As you will see reading through them, that doesn’t much matter, since the problems they seek to address haven’t really changed over time…. except in every instance to grow bigger.
Instead, they have been organized to be in order by title, so as to make them easier to find by subject matter. The first of the Rants, written back in the mid-1990s, and early 2000’s, ultimately gave birth to America II, where I finally decided to arrange the problems, symptoms, and arguments more
chronologically so readers could see the steps taken by the government over the years to bring us to where we are now, holding on to what I believe is a severely damaged and imperiled American Dream.
In each of the three books referenced at the outset, the author has taken the liberty of making certain assumptions. For the readers benefit, it is noted here that the assumptions were not just plucked from the air (as are many political assumptions), but rather are backed by data generated using the assumptions noted in the spreadsheets themselves. For example, the data on population growth used an average 1.27 % for the entire period of time shown. The actual growth rate in 1900 was about 1.6%, a year and it is now (2018) closer to .9% a year, but the average used (1.27%) is purposely designed to be on the conservative side.
That means that the estimated population numbers for the early years are probably understated a bit, and the population estimates for the later periods (like now) are possibly overstated a bit. But the percentages used lead us to ending populations each year that are very close to what the probable population total actually is.
Considering that no one on this planet knows the actual numbers for certain, and no country has a verifiable method of counting the number of illegal citizen entries into their country, the method used here for estimating annual population growth is certainly a reasonable one to use.
The validity of these assumptions is borne out by virtue of the fact that if one compares the figures shown in the spreadsheets for any given year in the past to acknowledged figures gathered somewhere else, or in some instances known by the public in general, the spreadsheets almost always vary by less than 1% of known good and trusted data.
Of course, these types of credibility comparisons can only be made for things that have happened in the past. But past performance tends to predict future performance in a given area, especially if the underlying conditions remain constant. And that is the overriding assumption in each spreadsheet. Nothing has changed in the last 50 or so years insofar as government is concerned, so predicting the future, if nothing continues to change, can be both simple and accurate.
This entire website is further predicated on an assumption that America’s government has primarily become a servant of the most fortunate among us and has spent the last half-century mostly catering to the whims of this group. The books in this website presume that if people understand how precarious the positions of the poor and middle classes are at present, they might just join together to make our society much more equitable for all citizens; especially if it can be done with minimal expenditures of time, money, and effort.
Throughout the three books listed at the outset, the author makes references to things like “the citizens will need to change the balance points of power between the citizens and their government” and “citizens may need to force the addition of constitutional amendments” designed to place stricter limits on the politicians’ abilities to act against the best interests of a majority of the citizens.
Both of these broad statements beg a more specific explanation as to exactly how the citizens, who mostly have little disposable income and are strapped for time too, can ever hope to accomplish tasks of such magnitude.
Both the books and the spreadsheets make statements re: the scope of the individual problems the author sees as being essential to being solved if the United States is to remain (or in some instances again become) a free and prosperous society with opportunities for ALL of its citizens.
The information in the spreadsheets, taken together with some information you will find in the “Toolkit” section of the website seek to show specifically how citizens can, in some cases acting alone, and in other cases acting in concert with other citizens, bring about the needed changes in a relatively short period of time.
The Toolkit:
Every job is easier if you have the right tools for the job, and the knowledge required to use the tools effectively. Think how easy they make it look to perform mortise and tenon tasks on the “This Old House ” TV shows. Without having all the tools and knowledge Norm and crew have available to them, those woodworking tasks might be difficult if not impossible for the average person to copy. With the proper tools and the knowledge needed to use the tools effectively, the tasks become routine.
Changing America’s government over from the present “of the politicians and their friends and campaign contributors, by the politicians and their friends and campaign contributors, and for the politicians and their friends and campaign contributors ”….back to a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”, is like that. The America II Toolkit contains tools and knowledge about how to use the tools sufficient to make changing America back to a country where everybody has a real chance to achieve the American Dream routinely possible. What is needed now are citizens to use the special tools provided here.
(to treat all citizens equally from a taxation standpoint, pay all of our nation's bills without borrowing, pay down the national debt, normalize educational costs for all citizens, and provide much-needed healthcare and retirement benefits to all citizens, while taxing individuals less than they are now paying in taxes.)
An American Consensus
In this section of the AmericaII.org website we will be switching gears.
In this final segment of the website we are turning the podium over to you.
We have never before in America’s history tried to come together as a whole society to give the politicians clear direction as to what we expect them to do to move our country forward. For almost 250 years we have tried elections alone in hopes of getting the job done, and that approach hasn’t worked very well — especially over the past 100 years. Too many vulnerable citizens have been left behind in every election held in America in the past hundred years. And the left-behind numbers keep growing with every new election.
If we really expect the politicians to do better in the future, it will be essential that we citizens also do better and give them clearer directions than we have in the past. If we do our part, we have a better than even chance of making America all it CAN be.
That is precisely what The American Consensus application (APP) has been designed to do.
(Learn more about the real-world American Consensus APP in the "No Free Lunches" page above.
Questions or comments about the APP's construction are welcome and encouraged.
Visit the Contact Us section to get in touch.)
Link to YouTube Videos
(under development, coming soon.)
The AmericaII YouTube option is now another way you can be exposed to some of the ideas that are expressed in the books, spreadsheets, and analyses that originated with the AmericaII.org website.
The video series is ongoing, and each session takes about 15-20 minutes of viewing and listening time.
Emphasis in the videos is on dissecting individual problems, and looking at solutions that could be implemented in each case.
In most instances, a “split-screen” approach is used, where when I’m talking about a problem, and some of the lists, spreadsheets, and items borrowed from the books or from the Toolkit, that are found on the AmericaII.org website, are displayed at the same time as visual aides.
If you would like to see how it works click <HERE> to be transported to YouTube and pick one of the AmericaII videos to watch. When you are though with the YouTube video, and end the YouTube viewing session, you will be transported back to this place on the the AmericaII.org website.
Thank You
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And thanks again for visiting the America II website.